25+ Cognitive Science Podcasts

Cognitive Science investigates the mind with methods and tools from various fields like computer science, neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy. Here are some popular cognitive science podcasts. I listen to almost all of them, so feel free to contact me if you have questions that are not answered in each podcast’s description below.

Continue reading 25+ Cognitive Science Podcasts

50+ Cognitive Science and/or Philosophy Blogs

Here is a list of cognitive science and/or philosophy blogs. Feel free to share it and/or suggest additions to the list. Continue reading 50+ Cognitive Science and/or Philosophy Blogs

10 Facts About People Who Study Philosophy

[clickToTweet tweet=”#Philosophy majors make more $$$, get better test scores, and have better #gradSchool admission rates.” quote=”Philosophy majors make more money, get better test scores, and have better school admission rates.”]

For more details about people who study philosophy,  Continue reading 10 Facts About People Who Study Philosophy